
Career Change Checklist eBook (free download)

This eBook was created for the first-time career changer (and those who have done it before but still need help getting organized). It describes five types of career changes you can make and the 7 steps to take to get started. After completing 18+ career changes since graduating from college and coaching hundreds of clients through their own career change process, I understand them well.

The events that prompt the change. The feelings that lead to the sense of urgency to do something right now. The excitement that occurs when you envision future you. The vulnerability of putting yourself in unfamiliar spaces.

I also know the feelings that follow when you achieve your career goals. The overwhelming joy you feel when you get the job offer. The sense of accomplishment that comes with landing your first paid client as independent consultant. The happiness that develops when you announce on LinkedIn that you’re doing something new.

The road that connects the before and after isn’t complicated, but it will test you. Some people keep at it while others might find themselves discouraged and quit. That’s why it’s so important to get the right system in place that will enable you to succeed.

To all the career changers here, I hope you find this resource helpful.