
1st prompt from the 10 Friend Challenge -- share a picture of friendship

Hey y'all! I'm running a fun weeklong challenge to make 10 friends. It's a chance to broaden your world a little bit with interesting people. I created this because I realized I want to grow my network and don't want it to feel so stifling or boring. It can very much be about friendship + warmth!

We've got about 25 people on our Slack community and if you want to join, today is the last day. It's free and just for fun.

Sign up is here:

Sharing the first challenge -- I'm curious to hear answers from Elpha.

What is friendship to you? You can answer in one of 2 ways:

  • shows us a picture of friendship in your life
  • describe a good friend

Is friendship a number of years (cue Seasons of Love by Rent), a shared experience or something else? Humor?

For me, it’s about reciprocity and support. The feeling of "I'm sharing my feelings or ah, here's something super interesting" and knowing my friend will listen and share something back, out of kindness.

Here is a picture of my good friends Ryan, Romaric, and Carolyn. It was the ol' quarantine of 2021 and I was cooped up at my parents' house for Thanksgiving with COVID. In Love Actually style, they stood outside my window with large white cards and we played tic-tac-toe from afar. This, to me, is incredible, sweet friendship.


Here is the photo! I had difficulty uploading it in the post but it's coming through in the comments :)