
Free LinkedIn Rebrand for Elpha Community

If you’re a female business owner who wants to sign more clients, level up her personal brand, and make a visible impact in the world … LISTEN UP.

I know you have a big heart and a passion to help people.

You started your business to make a difference.

You want to get noticed by the right kind of people.

You want your business to instinctively reflect your values.

But let me guess…

When you started branding your business, you picked somewhat random colors, the most decent logo you could get designed in a short amount of time, and any website up and running, to get business through the door.

Can you relate?

I get it.

I spent almost a whole year in my own branding playground before I unlocked some serious insights about what really works and what really doesn’t work when curating a brand (hint: a logo has almost nothing to do with it).

That’s why I created what I call the Dream Branding Journey– my brand strategy for women who know that their brand is not really a reflection of who they are, and are ready to bridge that gap properly.

Black Friday isn't the only time for a good deal. Right now, you can grab 3 branding sessions with me for 70% off. Just DM me “DREAMY” on LinkedIn if you’re ready for a brand that reflects YOU.

Happy Holidays!

P.S. I'm offering 5 women from the Elpha community who are ready to rebrand their business in December the opportunity for me to audit and makeover their ENTIRE LinkedIn Profile, for FREE.

To your success,
