
The situation in India is heartbreaking, is there a way one can help?

First of all, to our Elphas based in India and to our Elphas who have loved ones/family or roots in India, my prayers are with all of you. I pray that you find peace, health, and support from the broader community.What is happening in India is appalling, and it once again reminds me that I personally am where I am because of natural selection (and I was lucky to be the child of my parents).So this brings me to a question, how can we support the population in India that is being impacted by COVID? Have you come across any sustainable solution that can address the state of emergency but also help in rebuilding the economy. I welcome all your thoughts!
@iynna India is in the worst situation right now, nobody could imagine..!If employees from India take leaves, don't question them why or when will you return back, just tell them to take care :) It's ok if tasks are completed late, or you not able to achieve targets or things are going slow, let it be, these things can be taken care of if you stay alive and get recovered.I am from India, and every day I am losing my dearest ones almost every day... and sadly can't help.3 days ago, we lost someone who was about to turn 2 next month. The next day my colleague lost his grandmother, following day he lost his uncle, a double shock for him. Today we lost one cousin, she was having 2 beautiful daughters. 1. Help them in bringing positivities to their life, which I think most of the people has lost due to covid.2. Talk to them every day or every alternate day if possible. 3. Companies should provide financial support if anyone needs it.4. Talk to friends via calls/messages and try to be in constant touch, in this mess you never know if today is your last day..! I know this sounds a bit wrong, but that's what the situation is with India right now :)5. At last, try to help them in any way you can :)
These are great suggestions thank you so much for sharing!
@MonishaSurana first of all, I am so so sorry this is happening to you. I cannot even begin to think the pain and trauma this is causing. Are you finding outlets to take care of your mental health? I hope we at Elpha can help you in that regards. Second, thank you for taking the time to tell us this! So far I have done 1, 2, 4 and while I know it is impactful I'd love to use actual tools that can help move the needles (and yes I mean money).I have gone ahead and sent money via the link sent by @jem.Lastly, if there is anything we/I can do to help, DMs are open :-)
You are amazing @iynnaYou have already 1, 2, 4 which is very great. I appreciate you a lot ❤️
Thank you for taking time to respond! Take care of yourself, we are always here at Elpha if you need us :-)
If you are looking for a reputable organization to donate to for covid relief is an amazing organization.
Oh amazing thank you for this @jem! I really appreciate it.
I agree, I gave and shared this link, they are doing a phenomenal job on the ground.
This is a hugely circulated compilation of various fundraisers and organizations who can help!*yB0rSGY05RCMGKppKzUeNQ
Thank you T! I knew you'd have answers there. I actually went on the link @jem sent as soon as she posted hahah but I will definitely take a look at this spredsheet!
Here's a website I found from ProductHunt complete with a list of socially verified orgs:
Wonderful @andieee tihis is great!
Thanks for your thoughtfulness @iynna. For those who are based in North America who also wish to make a donation (i.e. from Canada and US, both) - I have been a long time supporter of Global Giving (which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit in the US and they have a 4 star rating on Charity Navigator). To clarify, they work with local non-profits in communities around the world.EDIT 5/4: I saw a post on LinkedIn by Indra Nooyi* where she references additional resources if you want to help:a)*
Wonderful @leenab thank you for sharing this!
A friend of mine who currently lives in India was sharing this resource recently:
Thanks Sandra! How is your friend doing?
Our connection with her has been spotty (she's understandably spending less time online) but the last I heard she is hanging in there, but definitely distraught about the state of her country's health and healthcare system right now. Here is their comment they posted along with the mutual aid link:"Please share far and wide. Most importantly please keep sharing and amplifying news about the situation and put pressure on the INDIAN government - the international shaming is finally forcing them to act - don’t focus on the US Govt’s inaction - raw materials are not actually needed for the main vaccine used in India (astrazeneca), they’re needed for another vaccine that is in development and won’t even be used for a while (Covovax) - it’s just a red herring, as is the patent thing tbh. We need all the pressure to be on the Indian Govt especially highlighting how they are STILL ORGANIZING ELECTION RALLIES AND SUPERSPREADER EVENTS and also DENYING THAT THERE IS A SHORTAGE OF OXYGEN AND BEDS. Really really need your help in drawing intl attention to this issue because they are in the process of reshaping the narrative IN India using their media channels and prosecuting activists trying to help ppl find beds - but they can’t control the international media"
Wow thank you for circulating the info. I pray she stays safe wherever she is!
I'm part of a university initiative that has been organizing a safe space for students and anyone else who feels far from home and wants to vent their experiences. We've been having not just Indians, but others for whose families COVID may not be over yet. Let me know if anyone wants to be added, and I'll send over a WhatsApp invite <3
Thank you so much for posting this!I think your post should get more visibility so would you mind positin it here too
My developers are located in India and some of them had Covid and fortunately all recovered. Unfortunately that was not true for some of my relatives....From the information I got was, what they need most were Oxygen Concentrators. I went on a hunt to try to find some and ship them but suppliers were out of stock. I finally found some in China and shipped a few to my office, relatives and a nursing home. They plan on rotating them around to anyone that needs them. Praying for India to recover soon!