
Denver Area Meetup


It's great to see Elphas in other cities meeting up. Are there any Denver area Elphas who are interested in meeting up IRL? @schmitzc and I are hoping to get something going.

If you're interested message us, or reply in this thread, and we'll cooridnate a group. Currently aiming for Thursday August 18th, location and time TBD. We can pick something that works best for the group 😄


We will have our first meet up on 8/18 @ 6:30pm at Improper City! Please message me your email address for the calendar invite.

Hiya πŸ˜„ I'm Denver-based and totally down for a meet-up! August 18th anytime after 6pm would work for me.
Hi! I'd be down for a meetup. I'm in Leadville and timing can be tricky, but it's a great idea!
I’m in Denver and could do a meet up on the 18th! Would need to be after 6pm πŸ˜€
Would love to do a live meetup in August!
I'm out of Boulder but will plan to join as well!
Hi Elphas! My name is Mitzi, and I'm also in Denver! I'll be out of town on the 18th, but if anyone is available for coffee next week or the week of the 22nd, I'm more than happy to meet! :)
Hi Mitizi! What part of town are you in? I might be able to do coffee next week, definitely could do the week of August 22nd.
That would be so great. I am in the Wash Park area. I'll send you a DM :)
Will just have flown back from a work trip so couldn't make the 18th - but I'll keep an eye out for future events :) Sounds fun!
I'm Denver based and am interested in a meetup! The 18th should work for me anytime.
I am also going to be Denver based as of next week (moving there) and would love to meet up on the 18th!
Yay! I'm excited to meet you all. We'll finalize the time and location and send out an invite soon.
Yes!! I'm in downtown Denver and super interested. 18th works for me!
We settled on 6:30pm at Improper City on August 18th! I hope that location is central enough for everyone to the north and south Denver :) We can have a casual dinner+drinks - there's rotating food trucks and alcoholic & non-alcoholic options so should be something for everyone. Please DM your email for a formal calendar invite. @Claycia, @shannonmcavoy, @michellefwiles, @KristinSalvatora, @NatalieDLevy, @kelleyhux, @mdc8, @jentylock
Hey there! Just confirming this is still on for tonight? Thanks!
We are here!
I'm interested and just sent you a DM!
Hello I live in Bailey, mountain area near Denver would love to meet up as well. Would you also have remote meeting access for those who couldn't make it in time physically?
Second! I can’t attend anything this evening but would love to catch up another day! I’m out of boulder.
Was so into this but dealing with some chronic fatigue and following my first craniosacral visit today and being out of boulder I need to prioritize rest this evening. But I’d love to join another time!![email protected]
Thank you for coming out ladies! It was wonderful to meet you all. We’ll plan another one in the coming months :)
Any Denver Elpha's going to Denver Startup Week (Sept 19-23)? I'm flying totally solo all week...would love to connect with anyone going!I missed the first Denver Elpha meet-up, but looking forward to the next one. In the meantime, I'm down to meet 1:1 too :)