
Looking to connect with Female Startup Founders

Hi everyone,

I am a solo female founder of a diverse learning community called PMDojo where we help people gain real-world experience, skills and mentorship to transition into tech and product.

I am looking to connect with other female founders who are passionate about diversity in tech or have early ideas and not fully baked products (software based) in the market to chat and learn from.

Please message me if you would like to connect and chat!



me :)
thank you so much! Sending you a message
Hi Bosky, check out She's fantastic
Thank you so much! So appreciate this!
You're welcome!
me too :)
Please send me your email or post it here @malea
Just PM'd you! Thank you 🙏
@BoskyMukherjee, I have a slack channel that's historically been for my clients, who are startup founders, but I could open it to Elphas who want to connect with other founders. Comment or dm me with your email address and I'll add you.
Can you also add me please @DianePrince?
I’m the founder of a fintech startup and would love to join as well! [email protected]Thank you!
Sorry for the delay, I just invited you!
Sorry for the delay, I just invited you!
Would love to join as well. Email is [email protected]. Thank you.
Sorry for the delay, I just invited you!
I'd love to join too! My email is [email protected]
Sorry for the delay, I just invited you!
Hi! Sounds like a great community - I would love to join as well if possible! [email protected]
Sorry for the delay, I just invited you!
can you add me also please? Thank you!
Yes! Send me your email address.
I'd love to join too! My email is [email protected]
Absolutely! When you join, please introduce yourself. There are two other women in health startups there -- it will be great to have you!
Me please!
would love to be added too! my email is [email protected]Thanks!
Yael, I just added you and I'm looking forward to getting to know you. Please introduce yourself when you join, look around and see who you'd like to connect with.
Just messaged you Diane! Thank you
Hi Diane, I would love to be part of the community. Please invite me: [email protected]Thanks so much.
Invitation sent!
Received. Joined the Group. Thank you.
Would love to join, thank you :) [email protected]
I just invited you @Romeesa!
Hi Diane, I would love to join your Slack channel to connect with other founders. Please add me![email protected]
Sami, I just added you. Also, we'll be starting our first peer group for Founders with Full Time Jobs this Saturday. Let me know if that applies to you!
I would love to join that channel too. I am at [email protected]. Thanks!
Hi! Diane, I would love to be added as well. I am founder of Ruby Money a new fintech app that helps freelancers save for retirement and lower their taxes! Would love to connect to other early stage female founders :) [email protected]
That sounds great! I invited you.
Hi Diane, I'd love to join too! [email protected]
I just invited you @KimCallender
@DianePrinceI'd love to join too! My email is [email protected]
Of course, Monisha! I know you'll bring a ton of value to the community.
i Love to be added! [email protected]
I just invited you!
Would love to join as well!
@BoskyMukherjee Would love to connect - I’m currently piloting a startup to support women with technical interviews!
Just messaged you! thank you
Me! :)
I'd love to connect!
Would love to connect! I'm the cofounder of OwnTrail, the platform where women visualize and navigate their paths through life. Message me here or feel free to email me kt (at)!
I'm interested. I'm building an ed-tech focus in get real-life experiences. I would like to connect with you.
Me! Let's connect.
@BoskyMukherjee I'd love to connect! I've actually been thinking about hiring an entry level product/project manager.
Hi Bosky, I'd love to connect -- I founded a startup in the travel space and diversity has been a large factor in how I've built the business -- from who I've hired to the product I've built. I'd be really interested to chat on this topic -- drop me an email at [email protected] :)
@BoskyMukherjeeI'd love to connect!
Hi I would love to chat! I'm a non-technical solo founder in the research and ideation phase of an app. I'm on a mission to build a team of highly ambitious people from non traditional paths. Diverse paths to tech + grit + high growth are way more important to me than hiring from traditional players (FANGS). [email protected]
I love your concept!! This is definitely something that is needed in the market - I'm in product and just in general would love to chat about your community sometime!
Hey! Id love to connect with you!
Me too!
@BoskyMukherjee it would be great to connect - I'm working on LevelUp (, we're a platform connecting women mentors & mentees. Feel free to message me here :)
Hi @BoskyMukherjee - would love to connect
Count me in! :)
Hey! I would love to connect.
Here! I am in beauty tech powered by Ai !
Hi @BoskyMukherjee, I have an early idea that I'm trying to get off the ground and would love to connect! My email is [email protected]Thanks!
Just messaged you
Hey everyone! I got a little confused on this thread but if anyone still needs to be invited to my Slack Workspace for founders and entrepreneurs then please comment with your email or DM me :-)
Can you please add me to your Slack workspace for founders and entrepreneurs? thank you @DianePrince
Absolutely! Drop your email here or dm it to me please.
Hi Diane, I'd love to join your slack workspace for founders & entrepreneurs. will DM you my email
Hi Bosky! I'm also a solo tech female founder and would love to connect with you all :)best,amy
Hi, please message me here on Elpha!
Hi! Let’s connect :)
I just sent you a message and I'd love to connect with anybody else!
Interested, sending you a message
Sent a note :)
@BoskyMukherjee I'd be happy to join.
Would love to join too.
I'd be happy to connect too! I've just started to get more into the startup space and I'm interested in connecting and learning with other female founders!
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