What I've learned about getting unstuck
I've been thinking a lot about the fear of getting stuck, particularly in technical work. This book that I've read recently called “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” provides really enlightening avenues to getting unstuck. One of the big things I've realized is to give the work the proper time – some problems simply take longer than others to solve. I'm also trying to get better at things like documentation, so that it is easier to comb through my work when I need to. I've tried to sum up some of my thoughts and findings about about getting unstuck in this piece I wrote: https://twopagesdoublespaced.substack.com/p/a-philosophic-approach-to-gettingBut, I'd love to hear if there are any strategies that you follow to avoid getting stuck, or to get unstuck once you are in fact stuck!
I've heard about that book! Great to hear it resonated with you - have to pick it up sometime now!
Yes! It's full of super interesting ideas :)