
Resources for New People Manager?

Hi there! Just got an amazing opportunity as a CSM, and in a year, I'll be leading my first team. My employer knows I've never led a team and will provide mentorship over the next year, but does anyone have any resources/book recs on how to successfully lead a team? I know it's largely experience, but I prefer to put in the work to lessen the learning curve and have a better impact on my first team.

Thanks so much!

This is amazing Karla! I am excited for you :) As far as resources go, we had this thread a moment ago which is very timely for you if it is helpful you could reply to any of the folks who commented on the post :)
I don't have direct places for resources but I will say you're doing it now! Definitely reach out to your mentors and find groups to ask for advice. I think that's really helped me be a better manager.
My personal favorite books on management are:--Radical Candor by Kim Scott--First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently by Marcus Buckingham --And I just finished Build an A-Team: Play to Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve which was pretty good too. This company offers some FANTASTIC resources and a really solid email series also: My company also runs a Strengths Based Management Workshop every year or so - more info here: so keep an eye out for that if it's of interest!Congrats and best of luck!
Hi @karlabaires! Congrats on the ramp up to leading your first team! This is exactly what I do :) I'm always open for a coffee chat, we are hosting a free workshop next week - Foundations of People-Centered Leadership, and offer a 12-week training starting this September.Happy to share other favorite resources as well. Reach out! [email protected] and check out