
Looking for career clarity? I got you!

Hey Elpha Ladies — I know it's a tough time to be in tech right now.

When your boss sucks and your go-to team member just quit, it’s easy to find yourself scrolling LinkedIn, hoping you’ll see a new dream role jump out at you.

You know, one that:

  • pays $200K+
  • has unlimited time off
  • plus family planning benefits
  • working for a respected leader
  • building the future of sustainability
  • and doesn’t force you to carry the team

The LinkedIn job recommendations are always terrible… but you bookmark any that sound remotely hopeful anyway. At least the unknown holds the possibility for something better.

Until... you remember how awful the job market sounds. None of those roles are even worth it.

Wouldn’t it be easier to coast for a bit?

As you schedule another vacation in July, the thought pops back into your head:

Should I start a business instead? I’ve got all this experience my team is willing to pay so much for… who else would? It seems like a tough time to start something though. I don’t know how I’d start making money…

Do I just quit to figure my life out?

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. I've been there.

I hear a similar story from many of the high achieving women I coach through their career transitions to unlock more purposeful, energizing careers.

Here's what I tell them:

You do not need another vacation.You do not need to update your resume.You do not need to leave your job tomorrow.

You need a vision of your future that lights you up.

You need to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and come back home to yourself.

All the answers you seek are there. But you need to ask the right questions.

When you do, you’ll create a vision aligned with your values that makes you want to jump out of bed Monday morning.

You’ll decide you’re the one to make it happen, and start actioning a clear roadmap to get there.

I’ll leave you with 1 simple question: How badly do you want to feel good again?

If this resonated, I'm hosting a FREE Clarity Workshop for you on June 19th.

Get crystal clear direction so you can stop the stress cycle & start making moves to wake up happy on Mondays again.

Sign up HERE for Career Clarity Launchpad.

It may just change your life.

Lmk if you have any questions :)