I graduated from my MBA & onboarded to my company remotely this summer and have been WFH for almost a year now, with no plan of going back into the office until the start of 2022. And even then, we haven't received firm confirmation that we actually are going back into the I've been trying to find tips on making this more sustainable. For me, I feel like the lack of real life human interaction is getting to me and it's been hard to carve out time to actually do work and think, with all the Zoom meetings I have to run to. I liked these tips from the article:1. Say no2. Focus on 1 task at a time and be present What other tips do you all have that works for you?
If your meeting allows for it, take it as a phone call while walking outside! The change of scenery and fresh air could be great for the mind and body :)
This is such a good idea!
Having a different spot for work vs sleep/lounging. What got in the way of quality working and thinking for me was the feeling of sameness all day, every day. So creating separations helped. I'm lucky enough to have my own home office now, but back when I worked remotely out of a 1BR apartment for 5+ years even before the pandemic, I would reorient my desk in the living room to create an area that felt definitively separate. And if I took a break, I would go to the couch. Having these environmental cues - even something like a cup of coffee or specific playlist - can do wonders for signaling the brain when it's time to work vs time to wind down, when we no longer have a commute to do that for us.
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I have a friend who hosts a cooking class for her colleagues and friends once a week. She sends the recipe out ahead of time and we all cook together on zoom. It is a fantastic way to connect with others while completing a task of making dinner to eat at night. I agree with the recommendation of taking phone calls and going outside whenever possible. Getting some vitamin D while listening is a beautiful thing and helps regulate your mood.I block time on my calendar to work. I am lucky that our team has set policies of no meetings after 2:00pm. Fridays are no meeting days. No emails after 7pm. Last Friday of the month we all take a half day. Having a team committed to the same rules helps to keep one another accountable. I never accept a meeting invitation without a clear agenda, goal and an outcome. This enables me to determine whether I need to attend the meeting or not. Instead of "no" ask the need behind it and how it aligns with the company's priorities and strategies. You can always say "not right now, lets revisit."Best of luck!
I love this cooking class idea, how fun! We did a fun little remote cocktail making session on St. Paddy’s at work. Great point about making sure the meeting has an agenda and goals. I often feel like there are meetings that stretch on unnecessarily long or that I don’t actually need to be at. But I also have a hard time saying no! And I get mixed signals - sometimes my “no” is taken well and other times it’s like I’m not being a teamplayer, so I’ve learned to talk tradeoffs- “in order for me to do this now, this other thing you want me to do will have to be pushed back” etc.
Love that no meetings after 2PM policy! I feel like it’s hard to block off your calendar for work when people still want to meet and it’s the only time. I usually end up giving in hahaThe cooking class idea is awesome!
Basically, you want to make sure that you are able to add value in the meetings you attend. I have some meetings that I am just listening but I ride my bike around the neighborhood.When I decline I like to say, “ I would like to attend but I have a conflict. Perhaps I you could share the key decisions made that would affect me?” You might also trade with a teammate who is also invited to attend on both of your behalf and you can get the five minute summary. The next meet you attend and give them a summary. Everyone would like less meetings. So be sure to pay the same respect to others. I put more detail in my agenda because I don’t want to read it to my colleagues. It also helps my colleagues know if they need to attend because they have questions or the strategy/decision is unclear. This helps us get straight to the essence of what is needed while the option to skip if they have what they need. I hope this helps.
I love all of these tips! Thanks for sharing :)
Depending on your (and your coworkers) COVID comfort level, it may be nice to connect in person in a safe way! I've really enjoyed getting to know classmates on masked walks. It's just lovely to connect with someone you've only known on a screen. Agree with everyone suggesting fresh air and movement!