
5 min racial justice from your inbox

Hi! I want to share with you something my team and I are working on outside of work - would love your support/participation/ideas on who else to share this with :) Action Abridged is a fixed-length, actionable newsletter that summarizes 10 books about racial justice in 5 minutes and gives you a plan on how you can tangibly apply these experts' findings at your company. We list ways you can make structural change (think hiring, promotion, partnerships, and more). Examples include non-profits you and your company can partner with, tips to support ERGs, coaching recommendations, policy measures you can back, and more. Profits go to Color of Change and each summary is only $5!I hope having the information and action in one place will be really helpful to busy tech leaders like everyone on Elpha and I would love it if you could give it a look and pass it on to your coworkers. So far, companies whose employees have signed up include The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Change, Twilio, and Google -- I'm super excited for tech folks to take their commitment - we also introduced an anonymous feature, so if you know someone who needs it but are hesitant to tell them, we' got you!