
Between an MBA and APM Program

Hello all! I have a bit of a dilemma and wanted to see if experienced Elphas could lend any advice. I just completed all my MBA applications (8 schools!). It was a major undertaking and I did it in the hopes of obtaining a PM role following school. I'm in tech sales now. Meanwhile, waiting on my interviews now, an APM role opened up at my company that I would be a shoe-in for. I would still need my manager's blessing after writing all my rec letters, but it's kind of hard NOT to consider this opportunity. Question: Should I discuss the APM role with my manager, given that applying to MBAs doesn't guarantee entry? Would I be transparent with the hiring manager that I may be shipping off to school? I'm thinking it's appropriate to weigh b-school offer letters with an offer for the APM role, but not sure. Would love any thoughts. Thank you.
Definitely take the apm role over the b school roles if you can - you will learn so much more.
I'd definitely consider the apm role! An MBA can be helpful, but comes with both financial and opportunity cost of those years. If you can get where you want to go without it, I'd say take the role over the MBA. I wouldn't discuss the business school applications with the hiring manager, but I'd definitely discuss the apm role with your manager.
I was in a similar situation when I was applying to B-school. I was an engineer but there was a continuous improvement role that would have been perfect. I applied for the CI role but ultimately they chose another candidate (role was designed for him). I created some projects to work with that hiring manager and gain skills before I went to B-school.I agree with other comments that b-school is a huge time and money commitment. For me as a career switcher though it was the right choice. I've learned so much and have been exposed to so much more than I would have even in that CI role. It has helped me immensely with my confidence as well, something I didn't realize I struggled with. Happy to discuss more if you're interested.
Thanks @mcemily! I really appreciate your perspective, especially being a relatively recent career switcher myself. I knew there was always a possibility they could open an APM role, but that bschool would have other benefits/exposure/longer-term intangibles as well. I may ping you with a few other questions. Appreciate it!
@mcemily Sent you a DM! Thank you.