
Wanting a career pivot from CS Rep to Software Engineer. Anyone here done a change like this without a bootcamp?

Hey y’all 👋🏾 After working in Customer Support for the past three years, I’m finally ready to start a transition to becoming a full stack engineer. The thing is, I know my learning style, and I think it’d be really difficult for me to do well in a bootcamp setting. The ones I’ve been looking into seem incredibly fast-paced, and in order for me to excel, I know I need something a bit slower - less sprint, more marathon.

I’m lucky enough that I enjoy my current job and don’t need to make this pivot happen ASAP. Also, I can only study part-time, since I still have to work full-time to support myself while doing this. I know self-teaching is an option, but I'd prefer having instructors.

Has anyone here ever done something similar? Maybe gone back to school for it or done a slower-paced, part time bootcamp? I would love to hear how you navigated this. Thanks.

Hi Nafessa! I made the switch from HR (talent) to Tech Engineering. Happy to connect here :)
@dipishapatel thanks for the invite! just joined the group :)
Yes! I went from admin assistant to data analyst to software engineer. Feel free to DM. Have you looked into .? They are a group of senior devs from top tech companies who teach courses on production level programming. They offer most classes first as workshop where you can follow along live with the instructor and you can also access their library of tutorials. Itโ€™s a nice blend of live instruction and a sync learning, and you can build your first web app in a weekend.
i hadn't heard of this before, thank you @aminayamusah! i have some follow-up q's, i'll def DM you
Hi @nafeesa! If you want some guidance to make networking/reaching professionals in your target roles easier, and/or help to compare/contrast upskilling options, let me know! I can help with these areas & more. I'm Rachel, a Career Coach (, and I offer a free career coaching call here --