Hey y’all 👋🏾 After working in Customer Support for the past three years, I’m finally ready to start a transition to becoming a full stack engineer. The thing is, I know my learning style, and I think it’d be really difficult for me to do well in a bootcamp setting. The ones I’ve been looking into seem incredibly fast-paced, and in order for me to excel, I know I need something a bit slower - less sprint, more marathon.
I’m lucky enough that I enjoy my current job and don’t need to make this pivot happen ASAP. Also, I can only study part-time, since I still have to work full-time to support myself while doing this. I know self-teaching is an option, but I'd prefer having instructors.
Has anyone here ever done something similar? Maybe gone back to school for it or done a slower-paced, part time bootcamp? I would love to hear how you navigated this. Thanks.