❤️🖤Indigenous Business Owner!! Sign up for the attribute today to make it easier for consumers to find and support you on Google Search and Maps. & spread the word - time to get us on the (Google) map!!💛🤍And to everyone else, join me in celebrating Native American Heritage Month - buy Indigenous-Owned.Full video and blog below:https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/diversity/native-american-heritage-month-google-2023/
6 ways to celebrate Native American Heritage Month with Googlehttps://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/diversity/native-american-heritage-month-google-2023/
6 ways to celebrate Native American Heritage Month with Googlehttps://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/diversity/native-american-heritage-month-google-2023/
kimtercero·Nov 03, 2023
Iynna·Nov 04
Iynna·Nov 04
Love this! thank you for sharing
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