
Bold Icons | Need some career inspo?

Hey Elpha community,Does it ever feel like you're on a career carousel, yet haven't found your real calling?We've been there. We're two friends who have worked in tech, consulting, finance and startups. We've also questioned our paths, experienced doubts, and are constantly searching for inspiration.That's why we've started a community for those who are searching for their next step, and want to be inspired by what others are building.Over the next few months we'll be featuring stories from trailblazers like the founders of Barre3, Health-ade, Rebecca Minkoff and as well as independent-minded leaders from different backgrounds.Our goal: feature women building amazing businesses, creating jobs, and doing things a bit differently. Through this, inspire those of us who are still dreaming and figuring out what we want to build.We hope to feature the stories of many of you in the future!You can follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn to see these'd love to hear any of your ideas or feedback--DM us!Yaya & Jess