
Good ANTI-STRESS rituals. What are they like?

Let's share anti-stress rituals or habits. I think it will be helpful to many in anticipation of spring moping.

As for my tools for ending the stress cycle, I use Emily Nagoski's checklist:

1. Move (Workout &Jogging)

2. Cry (Watch Movie)

3. Breathe (Meditate)

4. Laugh (Youtube)

5. Create(Hobie)

6. Talk to people (Meet with friends)

Daily, I try to do at least one of these actions, and the consequences of stress disappear along with anxiety. I call this checklist - 6 Antidotes for Stress :)

By the way, if you came for tips I can include you in testing a new technique (based on CBT) for reducing anxiety and stress for women. We are just looking at 5 women who want to cope with anxiety attacks and regain harmony despite daily stress. It will take you only 10 minutes a day, but it promises to be very productive for de-stressing.

Put a + if you want to cope with stress and participate in the study.