
Special "Success Power Hour" Coaching Session

Happy Friday Elpha Community!

I've been a Business & Career Coach for nearly 20 years and my tagline is 'success without exhaustion for women". I love all the inspiration and support in this group and would love to support anyone who might want/need it with my latest special coaching offer.

For the next week (through Friday 10/4/24) I'm sharing my "Success Power Hour". It's 60 minutes of coaching at 50% off my regular rate - focused on helping you reach your professional goals quickly while avoiding burnout.

Whether you're ready to...

  • Explore how to make your passion your career
  • Scale your business or grow in the career you love
  • Leverage your success so it works for you AND your life

...this is what I do and I'm here to help :).

You can get all the details and take advantage of the savings here:

Would love to connect with and support some matter what, have a wonderful weekend!!


P.S. I share special coaching offers just twice a year and if you have questions about this (or anything else), I'm here to answer. Just message me and I'll get back to you soon.

thank you for sharing!
My pleasure!!
And also if you haven't done so feel free to include yourself here
Thanks Iynna and yes, I added my info to the database last week - appreciate the heads up on it!!