
What makes you feel good about yourself?

My question comes from some patterns I've been noticing in my mood and motivation lately.

Whenever I spiral into negative thought patterns about myself, I notice that they can be a product of the environment I've created for myself—where I'm being too sedentary, not eating a balanced meal, or maybe haven't talked to a close friend in a while.

I know it may not be the same for everyone, but I'm amazed at how changing one of these things in a small way (like going for a walk, or incorporating more veggies in the next meal) can quickly change my mood and how I feel about myself. So I'm trying to pay more attention to incorporating these into my day. Once I'm in a downward spiral it can be quite tough to "audit" myself to see what small changes I can make to help me get out of that mood and stop the negative small talk.

So, I'd love to know what that looks like for you! What are some "small" things that you do that make you feel good about yourself?

My small thing: when I find myself sinking with negative thoughts, I say, “I love you. I love you very much” out loud.
Self-care nights! Doing my skincare and yoga make me feel better about myself when I'm in a funky mood.
I have worked remotely for a while now. I am also quite an introvert and do not feel a great need to meet people. However - as I often feel awful about not moving enough, for example - finding a personal trainer was quite life changing for me. I struggle with motivation when it comes to going to the gym or exercising myself, can never stick to it. But knowing a professional is waiting for me to help with that and give me great advice, assisting me with how to properly exercise my body is just great. I guess, to my surprise, I have another person for when I 'spiral down' in any way. I have such person for quite a few things by now :) Getting a dog also helped with going for more short walks when I'm uncomfortable or overwhelmed etc. Getting to know myself and having few, but meaningful connections are the key here for me, I think!
+1 to going for a walk. That is my go-to activity at the end of the workday.
I'm not nearly as good at this as I wish to be. How have you been able to keep this up as a habit?
@teresaman, great question! I live by my calendar, so I first added 'go for a walk' to my calendar to hold me accountable. Every day, even if I was feeling exhausted, I'd go for a walk. Even in the winters (I live in Minnesota), I bundle up. I think it's the fresh air that makes a difference!
Pairing coffee with morning journaling has been so good for me! I started doing this a couple of months ago and even if I write down half a page that day, I feel like my day starts off more calmly and grounded. Since it's summer and quite hot recently, I make sure to schedule a morning walk although I try to get a couple of things done before I leave the house so I don't feel too guilty. :)