
I'm offering to mentor HR folks in startups

Hi ladies, I'm offering to mentor anyone in HR and just wants to find a sounding board, or someone to give you advise to help you keep sane because of a difficult founder/boss, pace that do not make sense, working in a non regulated environment that could very well jeorpardize your career, or simply watching your senior management make terrible decisions and don't know what to do with it. I've been there, and so I'd like to help :)I've blocked out my calendar for 3 days a week for 30 minutes from 5.30pm GMT. So please don't hesitate to get in touch, I'd love to help!You can check out my linkedin above or my website here
That's amazing Sophie! Way to go :) I tagged you on a number of posts where you might be able to make a difference! thank you again for offering your time :)
happy to help!!
Thank YOU for offering your time Sophie! I've added this to the "Offers" community too.
I've had a few uptakes so far, but I can take on 2-3 more, if anyone is keen! :)