
Let's talk about coding goals for 2020!

2020 is almost here and it is time to start thinking about what resolutions and goals for the new year. Are you setting any coding resolutions for 2020? Share your coding goals in this post. This can be anything coding related from getting started to learning how to code, programming languages you'd like to tackle, or projects you'd like to build as well as everything in between.
In 2020, I'd like to start learning Ruby on Rails. I've been looking at front-end web developer jobs and many list Ruby on Rails as part of the requirements they are looking for. Next, I would also like to do more algorithms and coding problems to get more practice for job interviews. Finally, I'd like to build more projects using React, NodeJS, Python, and MongoDB.
Interesting, I was learning Ruby on Rails at some point in the past but did not complete it. I hope to go back to it when I am done with my current course.
What course are you taking now?
A series of courses for Mobile Front End skills in ( HTML, CSS, JS, JS Framework, Bootstrap and more).
I really dove into a lot this year, I was able to learn enough html and css to create my own website and become fluent enough in python to design and execute some small projects. In the new year I want to really focusing on improving my python skills specifically for machine learning applications so I can bring some ideas/dreams to life. To do this, I'm going to allocate more time to my projects and better prioritize my time for learning and doing.
I am studying on Pluralsight to polish my frontend skills and will continue to do this till my competency level is advanced.I will be looking into working on some projects at some point starting with my website redesign migrating to cloud hosting.Would anyone mind being my accountability partner to help me focus?
I've got a big year planned, code-wise.I'm planning to learn Elm this year, and improve my js understanding, because it's limited at the moment.I'd also like to consolidate my Django/python skills, and get into some more advanced topics.I've got one big personal project underway, that's in the expansion stage, so that will take most of my focus (but it uses Django and Elm, so I'll have plenty of learning opportunities!).I've also got a little personal project underway, to help people meet others at big conferences.
Gotta start on the leetcode easy this year because why not.
Received a scholarship for data science so I'll be learning that after I finish my vacation ๐Ÿ™†๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
It sounds like everyone has some really great goals set for themselves! That's amazing. I am almost halfway through a full stack (JS focused) course that will give me a lot of great projects for my portfolio. Once my portfolio is ready I will start applying to jobs and see what happens! I'm a little nervous about the unknown and this career transition that's ahead of me but also really excited for the future. Hopefully 2020 will be my year!!
I began attending a coding bootcamp in October of this year, with a few more months to go until completion. While Iโ€™ve gone from almost zero knowledge of programming to having enough skills to confidently build out simple web applications, I still need to work on my logic. So one of my coding resolutions for 2020 is to work on that via Code Wars/Exercism/etc. during my daily practice.
I am getting back to learning to code.
I'd like to get more comfortable with C#/.Net and build more projects with React, NodeJS, and GraphQL. I also want to get more practice with data structures and algorithms to boost my confidence in going into job interviews.
I'm learning R and SQL via Dataquest, books and blog posts so that I can build projects and make the transition into a data analyst role. I would love an accountability partner that will help me stay focused.
My coding goal is to learn more about modern web tech stack and not be afraid to continue learning! I get very overwhelmed by all the new technologies but with great tutorials (youtube, articles, etc.) today... all I really need to do is spend time and try to absorb everything! I'd like to learn more about Redux and GraphQL :)
Hi!! This is a big goal for me this year, any advice where to start to code online? honestly is a challenge to move this forward if you don't have the ability to code!
EdX: CS50 Intro to Computer Science by Harvard
Perfect!!! Thanks! Will do!
Awesome! If you're working, I recommend giving yourself 3-4 weeks per syllabus week. It's really a college class for full time college students.
Great! Will do, among all the things from the Company I want to add time to do this!
Iโ€™m currently going through the book Automate the Boring Stuff! I plan to do CS50 after too.
Start freeCodeCamp once you're comfortable with the basics!The "Responsive Web Design" track starts from 0 with HTML.For the basics I'd follow YouTube tutorials/video series, and to delve deeper into specific technologies I'd recommend Udemy or more tecnology-specific platforms.(About Udemy: they frequently hold big sales where you can get all courses for ~$10, and you can also look up coupons on Google.Get the top-rated ones, and if they're +1y.o. read through the reviews to see if they are outdated - this will save you some headaches...)
I'd like to do more projects in Python (data science oriented) and I also need to keep my SQL alive. Anyone have any good ideas for Python projects? :)
Have you checked out the Free Code Camp YouTube channel? They did a video recentl.y about creating games with Python. You can see the video at
Thanks! Will look into this as well. Have no experience with game making at all.
I learned Python last year on codecademy pro where you can learn & complete projects. Some of the ones I completed were: a receipts system for a store, a game night system which emails attendees & a system to calculate shipping methods
Thank you Racheal! Will definitely look into some projects ideas inspired of the projects that you did.
Agda and Idris. I want to implement a purely functional Lisp interpreter in C. Also, I have nascent thoughts re: something I'm calling Command Oriented Programming.
Iโ€™m kicking 2020 off with a โ€œ100 day commitmentโ€ i.e get at least one commit on github every single day. I am just finishing up lambda school and finding a job is up next. This my 100 day commitment will ensure my github stays green and coding skills continue to grow after Lambda
1๏ธโƒฃ Main goal: becoming proficient in backend dev! (Currently working with Node & AWS*)2๏ธโƒฃ Getting comfortable with coding interview questions & learn more about DS&A (started doing Hackerrank challenges a few days ago)3๏ธโƒฃ Learning "pure" functional programming with Haskell or Elixir!(OR start learning ML ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ˜)*(Still not sure if I should study for the AWS Developer certification ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿค”)
I have two goals.1. Getting comfortable with GraphQL and using it in a sideproject2. Learning Kotlin and submitting at least one work PR in Kotlin
Get a Front End Developer job by the end of the year working remote.
Late reply (just joined Elpha and this community recently). I started learning Pytorch recently via a Udacity scholarship. Hoping to be selected for the full nanodegree in a week and continue my AI journey. Related goal is to populate my Github with my first project :)