
Thinking of moving to London

Hello!I am a US Citizen thinking of relocating overseas and returning to London. I studied at UCL for my Masters over 10 years ago. Currently, I am a UX Researcher at Atlantic57 consulting for Google as an embedded employee for the past year in the bay area. My boyfriend and I is ready to move again (we moved from Chicago over a year ago) after seeing that SF is really not our scene. I know things are happening right now with Brexit so I was wondering what opportunities exist for someone like me to be able to immigrate? I have 8 years of experience as a Design Researcher (worked in both physical and digital products).Thanks in advance for any replies!
Anon is right, I’d suggest going to for more up to date info on all things visa related. You can also reach out to (Tier 1 Exceptional Talent) Tech Nation Ambassadors/alumni network - , I got this visa as a UX consultant, so you can too.With your experience there’s a whole lot of opportunities here, not just in London, think Bristol, Manchester, Reading, Edinburgh, Cambridge.If you have more specific questions Visa related or Job landscape, do let us know.Cheers
Thank you!
This forum is quite useful: flatmate is trying to do the switch from student to tier 2 as she said tier 1 got more restrained this past year (Canadian passport). But don't take this at face value as it's hearsay.