
Seeking connection at Khan Academy

Hi! I'm seeking a new opportunity in Ed Tech and Khan Academy is one of the companies I'm excired about. Curious if anyone has connections there and could make an intro. Thanks!

HI Jocelyn! Amazing you want to work in edtech (I built a company in that space before!) and I love Khan Academy! @StephanieYamkovenko works there maybe if she sees this she can support you! And then @elizabethslavitt has an amazing background in edtech and spent time at Khan Academy as well!
Thanks so much for making these connections. I've worked in the Ed Tech space for many years. While I have a pretty solid network, I didn't have a great connection to Khan Academy. I'm always interested to speak to more people working in the sector so thank you!
Hi there. While I'm not currently hiring on my team, we've got quite a few open roles on our site: Hope that helps.
you're so welcome, Jocelyn! i hope you have wonderful connections here!