
What sites / tools do you use for self-development?

Hi, I would be interested to know where you go online when you want to learn something to improve yourself - focusing more on soft skills, management skills, time management, well-being, setting goals, etc. Anyone have any recommendations? What do you love about those particular tools?Thanks, Claire
I will be back for replies. Thanks for asking for two. #wink
Thank you so much @iynna for sharing my post! Really appreciate it!
My friend runs a newsletter on productivity / self-improvement / time management etc. โ€” check it out if you're interested!
Huge fan of his and a subscriber to the bundle :)
I personally love reading MEDIUM, and the key is to apply the skills youโ€™re reading about.As for courses, I use apps like: EDX, Udemy, and youtube to learn about project management or soft skills.Lastly, iโ€™m in healthcare, so iโ€™m signed up for the Journal of Healthcare Management. Hope this helps! -Sabrina
Hi Claire,That's a great question and one I have been trying to answer for months and months during my user interviews! It is quite decentralised the way people fulfil their need for self development and self-improvement and there is an abundance of amazing knowledge, products and services out there! @iynna thank you so much for sharing my post about the 3SSENTIA launch with Claire! So grateful to you! Our 3SSENTIA day planner combines the science of wellbeing and productivity to help you manage your day more effectively and sustainably so you can set and achieve your personal and professional goals. I'd love for you to give it a go and share your feedback if you like Claire: www.3ssentia.comYou can check out our blog which focuses on Wellbeing and Productivity: I also attend the International School of Self Awareness which has been incredible for me.I hope this helps and look forward to hopefully welcoming you to our community!Marilena
I use a Trello board to keep a note of everything I find interesting so I have a nice collection of sites/ideas whenever I have the capacity to do something new! Most of those items come from medium, groups like this one or conferences.For setting goals I'm very paper based and use a LUX productivity planner from amazon ( which is basically a bullet journal with some static prompts - I'm on my second one now! And I have an Intelligent Change's 5 minute journal which I write in most days!Also not a site but I would definitely recommend getting a coach! I use Hackcamp and it's been amazing for developing my soft skills!
I used to be a freak on this subject so I've tried literally every assessment-like tool. (My approach is: there is no good advice / path for everyone since we vary in our natural inclinations a lot, so knowing self is the first critical step). Only one made a life changing difference for me (and still continuing to do so) ==> CliftonStrengths Assessment (by Gallup) and the whole huge knowledge base available after doing the test. Highly recommend it! It directly addresses every important soft-skill area: productivity, influence, strategy, relationships and also leadership.I'm now #1 advocate for this tool and I don't start any work in any new team without forcing everyone to do the test and to have team analysis time around the results :D If you give it a try, here's what I highly recommend before doing the assessment (this is based on my own observation of tens of people doing it, it's not any official advice from the creators of the tool)- Prepare a bigger time slot for yourself, when nothing, not even phone notifications will disrupt the process. Questions are on time (22sec for each AFAIR) and are anything but obvious :D- Do it in a native language (they offer almost every language in the world)- Do it when you're relatively focused and awake :) (not necessarily at night)HAVE FUN :) I'm almost jealous for everyone doing the test for the first time: and for the aha-moments after starting to play with the results.
My latest obsession is They're all about reducing bias, and I think that's the perfect opportunity to know you have it in you! It's pretty brilliant!!
I really like the Science of People (blog) by Vanessa Van Edwards:'m recommending it because her posts are science-based and very practical.