
Sample Case Studies?

Hello! I hope this isn't a weird ask, but I honestly don't know where to look for this stuff so thought I would ask here.

I'm interviewing for strategy / operations roles at health tech companies and have been struggling to get past the case/presentation round (usually the final or second to last step). If anyone had success with their search and is willing to share their presentation with me, please DM me or link the prompt and presentation in this thread (in a way that doesn't violate your NDA). Also welcome any tips you may have On how to prepare!

I'm trying to understand if my work is sub par or if there's other ways I can improve. Thank you!

GO YOU for interviewing! Love this for youWhat type of case study are you looking for?As in what type of challenges are you solving in those etc. I can try and help here / or ask around too
Thank you!! I’ve been looking at new product strategy (go to market type) cases and also some operations related ones (e.g. how would you staff a customer support desk or call center, how would you hire and staff for a particular new initiative). Thank you!