
Women Communities

What are your favourite women communities? How do you find out about new women founders and investors?

My first is Elpha :) I also subscribe to Femstreet, and they have a paid community you can join as well.
There's a Slack group Bunch of Founders I just joined ( ! I also work at a company called Scroobious ( which helps underrepresented founders on their pitch materials but has built up an awesome community as well :)
Would love to connect, DMing you!
Yes definitely reach out!
Hands down Elpha for the community and also for the demographic you are highlighting both founders and investors (FYI otherwise I like AllRaise a lot :)
Look into Natalie Levy teaches a course on investing with a focus on angel investing, being on a company board, and understanding employee stock offerings. I learned a lot. She has a lot of recordings on her site and she is building a community. She is based in Colorado, but people can be anywhere. [email protected]