
Women & Leadership - can you give 1 minute of your time?

Hey Elpha comunity!

A few months ago my friend Sarah and I started working on - a technology-powered coaching platform for women in mid-management roles.

Our mission? To create the infrastructure that accelerates women into positions of power and leadership.

Throughout my career, I have always had ambitions for a leadership role. The journey of building your career as a woman is hard. Seeing other women (and men) in leadership inspired me but most importantly seeing women that looked like me. That’s one reason why we must make sure women continue to fill positions of power & leadership. The other reasons? More profit (£123 billion in pre-tax profit. To be precise), diversity of thought, it results in better performance and simply because female leadership matter.

Due to COVID-19, the number of women in leadership roles is currently declining which means gender parity in leadership will now take much longer than before and is now projected for 2036.

How can you help?

We are looking to further understand the challenges and solutions for accelerating women into senior positions. This data is vital for us to create an infrastructure that will change the way women accelerate in their careers.

If you are a woman in mid-level management with leadership ambitions, please fill out the below survey — I ask that everyone else please share this survey far and wide with your connections, colleagues, employee networks, WhatsApp groups etc — it would be extremely appreciated.

This survey takes exactly 1 minute to complete!

Here is the survey:

Our goal is to reach 1000 women with this survey, please us reach that goal!