
2 free spots in my new 6-month coaching program for idea-stage female startup founders!

Hi Elphas!

I am piloting my new 1-on-1 business coaching program designed to help idea-stage female startup founders get initial traction, and I am VERY excited to offer you 2 free spots to test it out with me (regular price will be $2,700)!

Below is the 4-step path we would walk together in 6 months:

Step 1: Uncover Your Unfair Advantage

It all starts with you. At this early stage when your startup is a tad more than just an idea, you, the Founder, are your biggest and most important asset. Together, we will build your unique Founder profile and uncover your unfair advantage—a distinct competitive edge that sets you apart. We will also establish the right mindset foundation to set you up for success. We do this first because this essential step will inform pretty much everything down the road, be it finding a co-founder, securing funding, building an MVP, getting your 1st (or 1000th) client, and even finalizing your startup idea itself.

Step 2: Crystallize Your Idea

One of the most common mistakes early-stage startup founders make is jumping to the solution before fully understanding the problem. For your startup to succeed, it needs to solve a real problem in the real world. Does the problem actually exist, and does it need to be solved? Is there a market for it, how big is it? Who are you solving this problem for? Why are you uniquely positioned to solve this problem? Why do you want to solve it? Why should anybody else care? We will tackle all of these questions and more, in order to fully crystallize and validate your startup idea. The result: even if woken up at 2am, you'll immediately be able to give a powerful 30-second elevator pitch that will clearly and confidently answer the two most important questions: "Why this idea?" and "Why you?".

Step 3: Fuel Your Success

You might have the best idea, the strongest mindset, and a dozen investors lined up to fund your startup, but none of this will matter unless you have the time and energy to pull it off. Success is not about working harder, it is about working smarter. It is about being efficient and staying focused on the right activities—the ones that will move the needle—without sacrificing your life or hustling 24/7. And this is exactly what we'll address here. But not only that. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world have all admitted that luck has played a key role in their success ("be in the right place at the right time"—I'm sure you heard this before). In this step, I will show you how you can significantly (and intentionally!) increase your level of "luck" to rocket-fuel your startup.

Step 4: Commit To Your Game Plan

Whether your goal is to bootstrap a lifestyle business or build a hyper-growth VC-backable startup that has the potential to become a unicorn, you need a winning game plan. This is why, during this final step, we will define your next big milestone (be it building a lean MVP and making it profitable, working toward the product market fit, hiring your founding team, putting together a killer pitch deck, or finding the best way to raise capital) and tackle all the practical aspects of it. The outcome: no matter what path you take, you start getting solid traction and visibility that your startup deserves.

Here is what I would ask from you in return if you decide to participate:

  • Commitment to conduct 12 one-hour virtual coaching sessions with me throughout the period of 6 months, as well as do the actual work to get your new venture off the ground.
  • $250 refundable deposit - I will refund you 100% of it once we complete all 12 sessions, and the only reason I ask for it is to make sure you take the program seriously. Your spot will be secured once this deposit is paid.
  • If (and only if) you see the actual value and get real results after us working together, I will ask that you write a testimonial that I can use for marketing purposes.

My plan is to start the program at the beginning of August. Let me know in the comments below if you are interested, and we will take it from there!

Hi Olena! This is a great opportunities and I am interested. Thank you so much!
Hi Kei! I am sending you a DM now!
Hello, Olena! This is just what I was looking for. I would love to be a part of this. I am new to this website so forgive the bare profiles. I will send you a message to discuss more, and we can move to a platform that suits you better.
Hi Jazmin, going to respond to your message now!
Hi @olenamytruk I am also super interested in this opportunity.
Hi Sierra, sending you a DM now!
Hi @olenamytruk! Just saw this--any chance there's still an opening?
Hi @anniee! The 2 slots have filled up but I am happy to chat with you if you are interested to learn more about the program!