
Looking for Peer and Professional Support as a Woman in Project Management?

Join a select group limited to 10 female project managers to find support among a community of like-minded professionals committed to advancing the goals and aspirations of their teams!

Led by Jen Vachon, an executive leadership and well-being coach with 20+ years of experience helping leaders navigate change and succeed in complex fields, this group serves as a space to engage with other leading female project managers building world-class teams.

People-First Project Managers is set to have its first session on May 8th. Register using the link so you can join before the group fills.

I'm also here to help if you want to discuss further!

I have someone in mind. I reached out to her + I'm inviting her to join Elpha as well! this is awesome. I used to be in project/portfolio management in my corporate life.
Love it—happy to connect!