
Join me in Seattle June 3-4 for Talent42!

Meet me in Seattle this summer! ☀️

I’m thrilled to be a part of Talent42, where I’ll be speaking alongside an incredible group of folks this June! I’ll be sharing efficiency strategies from our very own recruiting team here at Zapier, as well as ways to approach stakeholder alignment, do more with less, and leverage the concept of T-shaped talent for a competitive edge in the market.

Talent42 is where the top tech recruiters in the world hone their craft and learn cutting-edge methods for identifying and hiring the world’s most sought-after tech talent. This is a great place for individuals to come together to absorb the latest sourcing techniques, foster lasting connections with like-minded professionals, and actively participate in hands-on collaborative sessions and workshops. 

📅 Save the date: June 3-4, 2024

🏙️ Bell Harbor International Conference Center | Seattle, WA

🎟️ Pre-registration ends this Friday, March 1:

💲 Save $200 off regular in-person registration and over $100 off on digital registration.

💵 Save an additional 10% via my discount code: KWT4224

I hope you can make it!

Sounds like a fantastic event ! Can't be there but look forward to the takeaways!
Thank you, Iynna! Appreciate you!