
HerJobs - Hire female talents from emerging economies.

We are building HerJobs with the goal of improving diversity in remote teams. Currently, we are helping female talents from mostly emerging economies to help them get a job in a global remote team. We try to identify the skill gaps of people who apply. Also, provide them with mentorship and assistance to find a better job. If you are an employer trying to improve diversity in your team, we can help you find top talents from emerging economies. We are in a very early stage, would love to know your thoughts about this :)
What a great mission! Anyone in the recruiting/staffing industry should absolutely be very intentional about D&I in their teams. Just curious, could you share a bit more about how you identify skill gaps and how you provide mentorship?
Thank you so much!We are working on remote teams and one of the filters we use is whether we will hire the person for our team. If not what are the missing factors. Currently, coaching means mentorship on a personal level. But this is not scalable. We are thinking of ways to standardize this. Something we are planning to experiment with is the upskilling program. These skills mostly are not technical skills - but cultural and communication gaps.