
FREE listing for counsellors/psychologists/licensed therapists/healthcare centers

Hello everyone

We are expanding our network of wellness practitioners and healthcare providers for our community.

We are most in need of counsellors, psychologists, licensed therapists - you can be located anywhere in the world - as we can provide you with the tools for remote working, but we also want to know people who are working on site at a certain location/ country as our clients like in-person sessions. We are also interested to know practitioners of any other form of therapy and alternative practices.

If you run a wellness retreat program, healthcare centre etc, please also join our database as we collaborate on a few projects each year with our vendors etc.

To join our network, please fill in this online form to start thank you

This is SO timely I am on the market for a new therapist! Can I access the database when it’s live? Or how does it work?
hi @iynna, this call to action is for healthcare providers to join our network, so that we can refer them when our clients have specific needs. Think of it as a healthcare concierge/assistance. How many times do you go to a listing of doctors and specialists, say from your insurance company's network and have no clue which doctor to choose, probably only by selecting the ones closest to your area, or by word-of-mouth from family or friends. Not sure how effective Elpha is, so wanted to post and try