
âœĻ To all the moms (and soon-to-be moms) on Elpha 💐Featured

Hello Elphas! ✨

Let's face it, nothing can really prepare you for parenthood. Whether you're a working mom or a full-time caregiver, you've got a tough job. But not to worry, we're here to tell you that you can have a successful career and raise happy, well-adjusted kids.

In celebration of Mother's Day, we teamed up with @rachelosheadeleon, the Director of Operations at Volley, to create a guide packed with valuable lessons she's learned over the years on juggling a career and motherhood.

We cover:

📣 Delivering the news to your team

🗓 Planning for your leave

🔁 Easing back into work after maternity leave

⏰ Setting clear boundaries with your team

⚖️ Redefining balance in motherhood

...and lots more. ✨

Check it out: A Working Mom's Guide to Navigating a Career and Motherhood

💐Happy Mother's Day, Elphas!💐

A great guide, thank you for creating and sharing!