
Hey Ladies! I'm soon launching my women's wellness platform focused on optimizing health, extending fertility, and longevity. You're the perfect community to try it out!

I created this platform to empower women through the latest science-based tools and guidance on reproductive health, longevity, hormone orchestration, lifestyle factors, and more. My goal is to bridge gaps in women's care and foster an open, supportive community.

As I put the finishing touches on the platform, I would love to chat with any of you interested in this space! Hearing your perspectives would be invaluable.

Please feel free to share with friends who may also be interested. The more of us that can access evidence-based women's health education, the better!

Let me know if you have any other thoughts or questions! So appreciate your support.

Hi @kimberlyjanelafleur! Congratulations! I would love to chat with you about this platform. I co-founded a non-profit ( 10+ years ago so love to see endeavors like this making their debut! Drop me a message at [email protected] or LinkedIn to connect!