
**ARTICLE** How Sustainability and Diversity can help lead to greater company success

I was delighted to collaborate with Shaunagh Duncan (Sustainability Lead at Bulb), Eileen Willett (co-founder of Cucumber Clothing), Claire Rampen (Co-founder of Reath), and Ada’s List on the first in the 3 part blog series with Bulb.The focus on this blog is #Sustainability, and how both sustainability and diversity can help lead to greater company success.In the article, we discuss our views on #sustainability, #inclusion, and how using #technology can play a role in creating a more sustainable future for all of us.We also answered questions such as- What we wish we could see more of within sustainability in businesses as we head into a new year- How we would explain the importance of sustainability within businessWhat about you? What do you wish you see more of within sustainability in business in 2021?