Hey Elpha Fam ! I need some advise / inputs here. I joined this new job early 2021 and I am returning from my maternity leave . in the time I was gone, a bunch of changes and reorg happened - my boss quit, my peer became my manager, my projects were transitioned (completely understandable as I don't expect them to be paused for 4 months) , team charter/ goals everythign changed So much that I had to be constantly plugged into the chnages despite being on leave as I was so nervous. This whole experience has left a very bad taste . As I return from my leave and I am still ywt to figure out how to operate as new working mom of 2 kids I have a bunch of questions :
1. should I stay put even if it means I don't see a career progression track and I am not passionate about what I do. I just suck it up and stay put for a while given this is a familiar environment, work and I have some flexibility which I need now more than ever. Also, given all the layoffs and hiring freezes job switch may not be the most ideal
2. I did get reached out by a former manager for a potential position in another company . I am yet to talk to them about the same . A new job with my current situation is obviously not ideal but also I don't know what that opportunity promises
3. Stay put for a couple of months but start passively looking internally and externally.
i hate that as working moms we have to go through so much professionally before during and after our Mat leave . Unfortunately a large population of men think it's a long vacation that we are returning from.
any advise/ tips / inputs are highly appreciated