As a multi-country expat, I am exploring some start-up ideas to make the lives of those relocating to live and work in a new country easier and more managable. I´m early in this journey, currently narrowing down and validating a few concepts for which I will build an MVP, so it´s the perfect opportunity to share your experiences and help me, help you!
From cross-currency financial tracking, to understanding and navigating visa categories, application processes and deadlines, finding your dream home-away-from-home to all the logistics and "did-you-know" discoveries that help you set up a fantastic new life in a new (international) location, I would love to understand what are (or you anticipate) to be the biggest challenges in your journey..? I´m specifically focused on working expats who are settling for the medium- (+6 months) to long-term, however, welcome comments from digital nomads who are moving around more often as well.
Please feel free to share in the comments below and/or respond to my survey here:
Thanks for sharing!