
Recommendations on Performance Review Systems

Hi all, have you ever ENJOYED a performance review system?

If so, I'd love to hear any examples/experiences or research in this area - my client, a series B startup scaling to C has had a phenomenal retention rate of 100% for the past 7yrs. As they grow, they're looking into creating performance review systems and incentive systems that reinforce this strength - it got me wondering - what would a GREAT system look like?

Between KPIs, OKRs and 360 review kind of software programs I don't know any other systems - my own experience with OKRs in large tech companies was extremely cumbersome for both managers and individual contributors, often taking half the year to decide targets and then another half to write and review them by supposedly '*unbiased reviewers...(Discuss).

If anyone has any inspiration, insights or research it would be much appreciated!

wow, 100% retention! That's amazing. I assume that is filtering out wanted turnover. do they have an HRIS right now? and how many employees? Those two are central to how I would approach this question for a client. My first recommendation was not to add systems on systems because integration is rough.I love Lattice personally if you have the freedom to add a system. My wish list is one that will grow with employee numbers. Has good reporting on the basics around completed/noncompleted reviews. Includes competencies, goals setting and review. And the ability to analyze the data to callibrate and get at bias and inconsistecy across reviewers.
I second Lattice! It is extremely easy to set-up, the UX is great, and very easy for all team members to participate in. There are so many features, but my favorite are the Feedback, Reviews, 1:1, Surveys, and OKR features. I absolutely recommend checking them out.
Not sure I can help you with recommending systems. A lot of what my prior companies have used was either homegrown, or something they tried to develop into other HR systems like Workday. However, I've seen a lot of what you're describing.I'm currently working on a new approach to the review process, and if you're open to discussing, I would love feedback from an HR professional as I map out more of my idea and look to market it. At its core, it's very similar to the NPS structures that companies are already used to using for customer satisfaction, but it's turned inward towards team members. I'm trying to develop a system that is faster / simpler to use, eliminates a lot of argument that comes out of the standard 5-point mechanisms used by many companies, and would (hopefully) allow for a more timely and relevant feedback cycle.If you (or anyone else on here) is interested in discussing with me, I would be happy to chat!Kimberly
Really appreciate this question! You could hire an industrial-organizational psychologist(s) to design a review based on an organization wide competency model (based on organizational values/culture)... this still boils down to behavioral ratings.RE: rating bias, the more specific and observable the behaviors, the better. A frequency rating scale can also help, and not having too many response options which takes longer to think about and can create a lot of rating "noise"I think best systems allow individuals to rate themselves, for more buy-in and perception checkFrom what I recall, one of the biggest predictors of satisfaction and fairness perceptions is that what is showing up in reviews mirrors feedback employees are already getting throughout the year.Use what helps, leave the rest!(I/O Psychology PhD here, we often work for the large companies you mention :))
I find the one we use in my org uninspiring - while it should and could be all the contrary! So many opportunities