
Survey: How do VC investors spend their time?

Hi Elphas! Hope everyone is well! I’m conducting a short survey on what VC investors spend their time on during the day and analyzing how it differs across a few factors like firm investing stage & years in VC.If you are at or around the associate level please complete this survey: you are above the associate level please complete this survey: in advance for your time :)
@YingjieWang - We spend a healthy amount of time watching Silicon Valley and drinking and sometimes we play poker ... JK (but also not entirely inaccurate :) ) . Will take the survey! Will you be sharing the results?
LOL. I love you!
Thought I'd lighten it a bit - it's been a chaotic year for many of us :)
@abbyrose - thought of you (and would love to see your results, haha!)
How I spend my time on the day to day is definitely much different than the traditional VC investor. I'll have better data in a couple months :)