
Share your budget breakdown

UPDATE: We've published the first edition of the series here! Go check it out :)


Hello again!

I'm excited to share that we are launching a new, experimental series on Elpha called ✨The Budget Breakdown✨.

The series will feature real-life budget breakdowns from women in tech with their financial journey reflections – how we think about spending, saving, and investing our money (can be posted anonymously!).

If you’re interested in submitting your budget breakdown and getting advice from the community, please fill out this form. It'll take < than 5 minutes.

If you chimed in on my previous thread, thank you so much for your input! Thanks to you, this series is coming to life. ✨

Excited for this to come to life!
me too!!
I just re-read the previous thread, and there was one idea that nobody championed: time budgeting. People say that I am very good with that:), and I would be happy to share my tips! I am pretty good with budgeting in general, but with money, everyone has different "input" while with time, everyone has the same 24 hours a day!
Oh, I loved this idea! Would you be open to sharing your tips in a Spotlight? I'll send you more info via email :)
Gladly! Please send me more info!