
How to create online mentorship opportunity at my company

Hello Everyone!

I am curious to get advice around how to create an online mentorship program at my company. We have a relationship with a local non profit that serves young people in the Bay Area, so that's a start. I'm thinking people at my company could give career advice to highschool or college students. I'm wondering if anyone has gone about creating something like this before at their company and if you have any advice on how to go about this?

Advice or resources is great, thank you!

Hi @oliviafu - Not sure if this is what you're looking for or not but our company provides an online mentoring community through Slack where the app asks about topics you'd like to mentor or be mentored in, matches people and puts them together in 1:1 conversations, facilitates the conversations, and asks how things are going in order to improve over time. Please let me know if you're interested. Thanks! [email protected]