
Git and GitHub

The class on Git and Github kicked my butt! At certain moments, I wanted to throw the whole laptop away. The CLI isn't hard just tedious. I am learning a new language, after all.

But when the command worked, I floated. Gravity couldn't keep me down. My 'I-got-it' dance is true cringe. And towards the end, I am doing more of them! 😄

Check out one of the sites I'm hosting on GH-Pages:

I didn't know GitHub had pages like that :o beats using a bucket to host a single page that I connect to Azure with. that's nice I like the color scheme!
I am glad they told us that in the module because I was looking at the cost of hosting a website....geesh! It will do until I graduate from the BootCamp!
I have no idea what this all is 😂 BUT it sounds like a win so go you! What does CLI stand for?
command-line interface @iynnaYou develop with CLI or CI (continuous integration)