3 Ways New Devs can Get Experience for Their Resumehttps://getadevjob.io/post/3-ways-new-devs-can-get-experience-for-their-resume/
3 Ways New Devs can Get Experience for Their Resumehttps://getadevjob.io/post/3-ways-new-devs-can-get-experience-for-their-resume/
asebold·Dec 07, 2020
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Office Hours: I built the marketing teams from scratch at Asana, Carta, and Astro (acq’d by Slack). I’ve since co-founded a VC fund, MKT1 Capital, and write the MKT1 newsletter. I’m Emily Kramer. AMA!
How I went from Marketing to a Developer
"Why isn't Chicago hotter for tech?"
Office Hours: I’m the CEO & founder of Elpha. I’m Cadran Cowansage. AMA!
How to hang in there: 4 lessons from a self-taught developer and solo-founder
Resources for side business owners + new / aspiring online entrepreneurs
Real Money Talks: virtual workshop for your personal finance questions
read these next
Office Hours: I built the marketing teams from scratch at Asana, Carta, and Astro (acq’d by Slack). I’ve since co-founded a VC fund, MKT1 Capital, and write the MKT1 newsletter. I’m Emily Kramer. AMA!
How I went from Marketing to a Developer
"Why isn't Chicago hotter for tech?"
Office Hours: I’m the CEO & founder of Elpha. I’m Cadran Cowansage. AMA!
How to hang in there: 4 lessons from a self-taught developer and solo-founder
Resources for side business owners + new / aspiring online entrepreneurs
Real Money Talks: virtual workshop for your personal finance questions