
September Boulder(ish) Elpha Hang!!

This second Tuesday meet-up for the Boulder(ish) area, snuck up on us!

This month (Tuesday, September 10th), we'll be at Rayback Collective, 2775 Valmont Rd, Boulder, CO 80304

Join @CaseyCSimmons and me, as well as other area Elphas, from 5-7pm (ish, we love the ish!).

Find us on outside. We talk about life, work, and networking within the community.

Many of us are on layoffs, so there is no obligation to buy a drink or snack. Just pay for what you order (if it's water, it's all good!).

Hope to see you there.

do not be sorry!! thank you for doing it! @lisalewismiller @brennaeaton are you close enough to attend (this one or next month's)?
@iynna I could probably do Boulder area in the future, but I am already busy on the 10th. Thank you for the tag!
Save the date: We typically meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. We try to be in Boulder two months, then take a month to go to Louisville/Lafayette. Hope to see you a future one!
yay - you should all connect regardless, amazing community over there in CO!
My child is home today with a headache, so I am on parent duty, sigh. Hope to make it to October’s!
Ugh, that stinks for both of you. Hope they heal well quickly! We're discussing an October location now. Hoping to get info out in a week or so for the next couple.