How many crazy dreams have you had lately and do you have any idea what they mean?For Lynda Parry, a world-renowned schema therapist, starting the psychotherapy process by having patients talk about their dreams has led to breakthroughs and healing.Lynda will join us to talk about her journey to a specialization in dreams, and how her unique approach to mental health care might give each of us something to think about.
FIRST TIME? WELCOME TO OUR SAFE SPACE!Parlay House ( is an inclusive series of in-person & digital gatherings for women that foster intimate conversations and ignite meaningful bonds between strangers. With content based on our desire to empower, share, entertain and nurture, we’re creating a universal sense of belonging for women that spans age, race and sexual orientation and broaches topics that few of us can safely tackle in other parts of our lives. Parlay House is redefining the concept of community in ways that strengthen and uplift us all. Our digital conversation series is called Parlay From Away and is open to everyone.Bring A Friend ( is our new podcast. It's a place where real people shine and people who shine get real. These are conversations that we usually only have with our best friends and now, we're sharing the best ones with you