
Finding Community as Founders During COVID-19

Hey everyone! How are you as founders finding community during COVID-19? Pre-the pandemic, I was regularly going to events and supporting organizations, but finding engaged founder communities online can be a bit hit or miss. I've also heard a rise in founder peer matching and am curious on people's experience with that virtually. For context: I'm currently based in SF, but thinking about moving to Seattle post-COVID now that my job is fully remote - hoping to find founder communities as a travel around. I lead content at 500 Startups and would love to know how founders are finding community and what they find most helpful.
Hi Natalie! I am part of Dreamers//Doers which I highly recommend. They have been hosting a lot of online events and I've connected with some really inspiring women. I am also considering joining Femstreet's community but don't have any insights on that one yet!
I hadn't heard of Dreamers//Doers, but what a cool initiative! Thanks for sharing!
If you'd like to learn about it I'd be happy to hop on the phone or get you invite for the next event!
Hi Aja! Thanks for recommending Dreamers/Doers, I've never heard of it but am also looking to build community during COVID. Would you like to have virtual coffee in the next week or so? I'd love to learn more about what you're working on and if I/my network can be helpful.
Hi Hannah, I'd be happy to have a virtual coffee - feel free to message me to set something up for next week!
Hey @NatalieRiso - founder here that has really struggled with this! Pre Covid, I was meeting lots of people and I had a sense of community even working remotely. One of the things I really miss is the serendipity of in-person interactions which is hard to get online or when it's super intentional. In addition to Femstreet, I use for 1:1 virtual matches which I've found most helpful.
Hey Arielle, these are really helpful suggestions! I've never heard of Femstreet but have my first Lunchclub meeting this week. Would you like to have virtual coffee in the next week or so? I'd love to learn more about what you're working on and if I/my network can be helpful.
That sounds lovely, @HannahDrain - I'll dm you my Calendly so we can find a time :)
I love! One of the things I've noticed with it though is that it sometimes doesn't match me with people that I specifically need to be meeting (last 2 matches were with people looking for marketing jobs, not super helpful). What kinds of people have you been matching with?
Re: Lunchclub - I've found the same thing recently actually. I used to have more curated matches than I do now, even when selecting an "objective" for the week. Maybe growing pains?
Hi @NatalieRiso! My Co-Founder and I were feeling the lack of community pretty hard, as well. We ended up launching a community for Founders (which is currently very active slack group that meets weekly via Zoom with adhoc happy hours and what not) to solve our own problem and support the other Founders in our network- and it's been a wonderful resource. Would you like to have virtual coffee together in the next few weeks? I'd love to learn more about what you're working on and if I/my network can be helpful.
That's awesome to hear Hannah. I'd love a virtual coffee. I'll direct message you.
Wonderful! Excited to meet up!