
Top Companies For Women Database is now available


We just launched our Top Companies for Women Database!

Thousands of Elphas anonymously rated their companies, sharing why they would (or would not) recommend their workplaces to other women. You can sort and filter through ratings and reviews to learn more about what women think about working at different tech companies.

The longer story:

We’ve been collecting anonymous company ratings from you over the last few years. Last year we released a report on the Top Workplaces for Women in 2021 that included a list of top companies and summarized insights about what makes a company a good workplace, according to you. Given all the layoffs and women looking for new jobs right now though, we decided it would be most helpful to everyone here to share the raw ratings and review data similarly to our salary database. We hope this database makes it easier for all of you to identify companies where you can grow and find success.

We’ll keep the database updated, so if you haven’t already and would like to rate your company, submit your rating here. This database is both a way to celebrate companies that are building healthy workplaces and also an opportunity to hold teams accountable who are not. You can also rate your past employers. So if you were recently laid off, or if you have something to share about a past work experience, we’d love to hear from you, too.

Big thank you to everyone who submitted a rating – this database wouldn’t be possible without your contributions.

Last but not least, if you find this helpful, let us know by sharing the database with women you know in your ERG and Slack groups, or on LinkedIn. The more data we collect, the more powerful the database becomes. 🙏

Thoughts or feedback for us? Please reply in the comments below.

I tried to review a company and kept getting an error message.
Thanks for the report! The bug you ran into is fixed.
This is cool! I'm amused that Twitter has one of the highest average ratings, over a 9/10. Is there any way to see if any of those reviews were written after Elon took over?
Yes, good question! I'd say these are mostly pre-Elon.I'm going to think more about the timing question and whether we should add submission date to the table.
Yeah, I assume there is some level of wanting to protect the anonymity of contributors, especially when there are companies with very few female employees (or very few women in the engineering org). Maybe contributors would be comfortable answering a multiple choice question about how many women work in their company/department if you explained that you were asking for this reason, and if it's over a certain threshold then it can show the submission date?It would be a hilarious twist if we all learned that Elon creates great work environments for women and female-identifying employees.
Yes, exactly! We do have more data from folks, including their title / department and the date submitted. For this initial launch, we wanted to err on the side of sharing less info since some teams are quite small. As we continue to build out the database though, we are thinking about whether to include department and submission date for larger companies.Thanks for sharing your feedback. Really appreciate it!
Thanks so much! I might've missed it in the UI, but is there a way to sort by a company's average rating, instead of separating out their individual ones?
Good question! This first version doesn't include a company's average rating, but stay tuned as we build out this resource more.
WOOOH! Love this database! Thank you to the team who worked on that!
Love this, thank you!!
I’m on mobile so maybe it’s diff.. is there a way to have the star count written out? I don’t want to count each star to know the rating πŸ˜…
Love it, @cadran! Thanks for creating such an important resource and making it community-built!