
Recommendations for early stage startup (pre seed or seed) investors

Hello friends! I'm the founder of an early stage edtech (LearnPine) and I'm looking for investors that could contribute with seed money and -ideally- mentoring. What accelerators/VCs/Investors do you recommend?To anyone reading this, thanks for being part of this great and supportive community :)
This post on various accelerators may help you!
Shameless ERA (where I work) is currently looking for startups to join our Summer program (4-month program and 100K investment) Check us out
Thank you, Iynna. I'll definitely check it out.
Yes! A few great accelerators I know: Pear VC, 500 Startups, SOSV, Techstars, Acceleprise, ERA (shoutout @iynna!), Plug and Play (although a bit more enterprise leaning), Alchemist (for enterprise), MassChallenge, Launch, On Deck, Mozilla Builders, Founder Institute, Antler, Startup Boost, Entrepreneur First A few great preseed funds: Afore, Precursor, Hustle Fund, Notation, Initialized, Betaworks, BBG, Ovo Fund, AVG And I would recommend angels as well! There are some great angel groups like The Council that I am a part of (group of women angel investors). Pipeline Angels is another great one. Universities also have alumni angel groups; I am a part of the Harvard one for example but we invest in non-alumni as well.
Thank you for the shoutout Jessica 😘😘😘
Thank you, Jessica. I sent you a DM!