Skillcrush is hosting a free live class next week. The class is being hosted by Lori Fimoff, the sales counselor at Skillcrush and will focus on Python. The class will talk about what Python is, what is used for, why developers should learn it and more. Lori will ask viewer questions throughout the webinar about Python as well as share more information about the newest Skillcrush blueprint Python for Web Apps & Data.If you would like to learn more about the Skillcrush blueprint or are considering learning Python, you can go to to register for Skillcrush's upcoming live class. If you register for the class, you can submit questions for Lori to answer live during the class.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey there, this sounds amazing! Do you know if they will do any more sessions? I just found your post now :(
I don't think they'll do anymore sessions with Python. Did you register for the live class? I think you can still register to get the webinar link. Even though the date of the class has passed, I think if you still click register you can watch the webinar recap.