
Zeit // Participate in user research about career path discovery in exchange for a free 1:1 coaching session to help you pivot!

Hello there! We're testing some new concepts at Zeit and looking to speak with 2-3 people that are in the process of exploring a career transition. If you or someone you know fits the below description please email me at [email protected] or resoind below and we'd love to connect to get your feedback. As promised, in exchange you will get a free 1:1 coaching session with myself or my co-founder to help you get unstuck in your career pivot.

You are great for testing if:

  • You have been working for at least 2-3 three years are starting to explore what you could do next
  • You are having a hard time identifying what paths and options are even available to you
  • You are reading tons of job descriptions but still unclear WHAT some of these roles are actually about
  • You know you have transferable skills but are not quite sure how they apply to some different roles
  • You are READY to make a career shift and need help getting started

We hope to connect with many of you incredible women!! Thank you!!

You should connect with @MsSheba - she is pivoting into tech for the first time in 14 years! :)