
Interactive Workshop: How to confidently make a career pivot!

Hi elphas!I'm so excited to partner with incredible Executive Coach @arielleshnaidman on this interactive workshop:Finding your confidence is sometimes the hardest part of the career pivot! If you've experienced one of the below emotions this is a workshop for you. Arielle is fantastic and helped boost me up as I built my start up, Zeit: you read a job description and think you can do some but not all they are looking for?-Do you walk into interviews terrified about those one or two questions you might be asked? Like your lack of technical or analytical skills?-Do you find yourself rambling in interviews and can't stop?Our workshop on Tuesday, January 19th @ 7pm EST. Please reserve your spot here: love,Ambika
Hello Ambika,Check this recent Elpha featured post by our fellow member @ToryWobber maybe she can be your next speaker ;)
Thanks so much for thinking of me here, @iynna! :) I'd be super excited for a chance to speak if the occasion comes up, @ambika.Also - @arielleshnaidman is amazing! She was a wonderful source of support for me in finding my bearings as a coach so I am confident this session will be hugely helpful for folks making career pivots 🙌
I am loving all of this!
Thank you so much for this! I don't have to explain how great @arielleshnaidman is to you @ToryWobber ! I will absolutely keep you in mind for some of our future events. I loved your post the other day. Let's def connect. My email is [email protected]Good spotting @iynna
I love many things about Elpha but this! women rooting for other women is what I live for! Happy connecting Ladies @ambika @ToryWobber and @arielleshnaidman
Thank you so much for the kind words @ToryWobber! Hope you're well!
Hi Ambika, Any chance this workshop is going to be recorded? Speaking of Zeit, I'm on Berlin time so an interactive workshop at 1am isn't really feasible, but I'd love to check it out post-workshop!
Hi @erohmensing Absolutely! Shoot me your email and I will send the recording over. You won't want to miss what the amazing @arielleshnaidman had to say. the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and helpful to people. Feel free to email me at [email protected] or ping me here..
Hey @erohmensing! It was recorded - I'm sure @ambika can send it your way if you're not already getting Zeit's emails